A relaxed fascia and Nervous System…naturally encourages healing in your body!

From tension, overwhelm and anxiety… to more energy, clarity and wellness… so you can thrive!

Empower yourself by learning many different techniques to release the tension in your body, as it soothes the nervous system and quiets the mind.

Expand your fascia toolbox and learn many simple proven techniques to get out of fight-or-flight and lower your body cortisol level! This will calm the nervous system and unlock the body's natural healing process…which creates amazing transformations as it impacts every single cell in your body, and the way they function!

Be ready to completely revolutionize the way you see and feel about your body! This is a total game changer!

Optimal Health Blueprint is THE foundation to YOUR health and wellness! Your future self will thank you!

Optimal Health Blueprint

Find out more about healthy fascia and learn simple tips to release it! Spaces are limited! Dates are updated regularly

  • Yoga and Fascia Therapy: This weekly course is a combination of different wonderful healing modalities, from Yoga (Yin, Restorative, Hatha), Neuro-Balancing, Energy Work, Body-Mind Release just to name a few! If you want to lower your stress level, recharge and re-energize... then, you are in for a treat!

  • Relaxing Retreat: We could all use a little zen right about now, right!? Come recharge with different workshops throughout the day to reboot and relax your body and mind!

  • Group Tapping: Coming soon! Enjoy the benefits of EFT/Tapping in a group setting.

Group Workshops

1:1 EFT/Tapping (virtual)

Reap all benefits while in the comfort of your own space!

EFT/Tapping is my newest addition, a new passion and is also done virtually. I will hold a safe space as you will be guided to tap on different meridian end points. This sends a calming signal to your brain, neutralizing the stress response in your body and lowering your cortisol (stress hormone) levels and inflammation too. This works wonders on pain, tension, stress (anxiety too!) and much more! As our fascia releases the stress of an event and it’s emotional charge, it has a direct impact on our health and wellbeing!

Tapping helps clear energetic blocks in the body, created by stress and unresolved emotional issues. We ALL have them! Here are some hints: triggers, annoyances/frustrations, procrastination, overthinking, pain/tension, feeling stuck, stressed/burning out, short tempered... and the list goes on!

EFT/Tapping has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, anxiety and pain! This very quick and incredibly powerful energy technique reduces your stress by rewiring your subconscious! Give it a try! What do you have to loose… but the stress in your body!

1:1 Energetic Balancing Osteopathy (virtual)

Reap all benefits while in the comfort of your own space!

Energetic Balancing Osteopathy is done virtually, and is very similar to the in-person session offered in the past. It starts with an Orthopedic Evaluation and Body Scan to locate restrictions in the body. Tensions are then released energetically in order of priority, to create an optimal environment for the body to heal and thrive.

Included are their subconscious internal factors (emotions, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors), and external factors (too many to list!). Other elements that can be rebalanced are: chakras, dantians, meridians and the 5 senses, should they come up as a priority.

Some clients enjoy a rebalancing session to melt away the stress in their body and others as a preventive measure (as energy blocks show up in the body’s energy field, before actually showing up in the physical body).

Book now to get fully rebalanced energetically!

1:1 Distance Healing